Parliamentary Standing Committees
Member of Parliament Walton Desir has been appointed to serve on the following Parliamentary Committees:
Parliamentary Sectoral Committee on Foreign Relations
This Sectoral Committee, in the exercise of its responsibilities, has the power to examine all policies and administration for the foreign relations and foreign affairs sector to determine whether the execution of Government policy is in consonance with the principle of good governance and in the best interests of the nation. The Committee may, at the request of the National Assembly inquire and report on any aspect of Government policy or administration as set out in the Committee’s Terms of Reference.

In the exercise of its functions the Sectoral Committees may:
- Determine the areas of government activity for scrutiny or specific examination;
- Request the Minister assigned responsibility for the sector to submit written or oral information on the specific area of government policy or administration;
- Review existing legislation or government policy for any of the sectors within their purview;
- Summon persons to give evidence in accordance with the Legislative Bodies (Evidence) Act Cap 1:08 of the Laws of Guyana
- Scrutinize Government documents
- Visit any government activity or project in Guyana as is predetermined by the Committee;
- Utilize the services of experts, specialists, and other sources of advice as the Committee may determine;
- Make recommendations to the Assembly on legislation or any other action to be taken on matters falling within their purview;
- Establish a timetable for the conduct of their work.
Constitutional Reform Committee
The Standing Committee for Constitutional Reform is appointed pursuant to Article 119A of the Constitution for the purpose of continually reviewing the effectiveness of the working of the Constitution and making periodic reports there on to the National Assembly, with proposals for reform as necessary.
The Parliamentary Standing Committee for Constitutional Reform s hall consist of not less than six (6) or more than ten (10) Members to be nominated by the Committee of Selection.
To assist in its work, the Committee has the power to co-opt experts or enlist the aid of other persons of appropriate expertise, whether or not such experts or other persons are Members of the National Assembly.