Obsidian Management & Consulting

Guiding Principles and Fundamental Beliefs

Obsidian  Management & Consulting LLC’s guiding principles and fundamental beliefs consist of
Collaboration – We are committed to working with individuals and organizations in the public and government sectors to achieve effective outcomes as well as to cultivate ongoing and mutually beneficial relationships.
Professionalism – We are committed to carrying out services and projects in a thorough, high-quality, respectful, and business-like manner.
Integrity – We are committed to practicing ethical behaviors that consist of honoring commitments our company makes as well as being fair, honest, and accountable for our actions.
Communication – We are committed to fostering and practicing transparent communication and dialogue when executing services and projects for clients.
Life-long Learning – We are committed to strengthening and enhancing the skills and knowledge of employees at Obsidian Management & Consulting LLC as well as professionals at private and government entities.
Empowerment – We are committed to empowering individuals and organizations in the public and government sectors to make and execute strategic and effective decisions for the betterment of their organizations.

Our Mission:

Obsidian Management & Consulting LLC (OMC) develops and implements intelligent solutions for federal agencies and commercial clients. OMC is fueled by the goal of helping our clients thrive and enabling them to make our world a better place.


Obsidian Mangement & Consulting LLC’s vision is to be recognized as the leading supplier that serves in the best interest of organizations in the public and government sectors.

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